El derecho de uso de la vivienda familiar, institución familiar de controvertida naturaleza, aunque con indudable trascendencia jurídico-real y finalidad protectora, otorga a su titular, en el seno de la regulación de los efectos derivados de las crisis matrimoniales o de parejas de hecho, un derecho a usar y disfrutar de la finca de constitución legal, así como a poseerla, que puede colisionar con el previo derecho real con facultades posesorias (habitualmente la propiedad) de tercero o terceros cedentes de la vivienda por mera liberalidad en razón de la convivencia familiar, bien en régimen de precario o de comodato. En este contexto, y tras el nacimiento del derecho de uso del art. 96 CC, se hace necesario delimitar, en primer lugar, la diferencia entre precario y comodato, así como definir los rasgos prototípicos de dicho derecho de uso, sus connotaciones registrales, la doctrina del Tribunal Supremo sobre la calificación del tipo de cesión y los criterios aplicables para resolver la colisión entre ambas titularidades posesorias (derecho de uso ex art. 96 CC y derecho real del cedente).
The right to use the family home, a family institution whose status is subject to controversy but which has undoubted legal importance and protective purpose in the property sphere, grants its owner – under the regulation of the effects derived from marital crises or those of unmarried partners – a right to use and enjoy the legally constituted property as well as to possess it. Such a right may, however, clash with the previous right in rem with possessory powers (usually the property) of a third party or third parties transferring the home as a donation due to family coexistence, be it on precarious grounds or on a loan for use basis. In such a context, and following the creation of the right to use provision of article 96 of the Civil Code, definitions are required of the difference between precarious grounds and loan for use, as well as of the prototypical features of the said right to use provision, its registry connotations, not to mention Supreme Court case law qualifying the type of transfer and the criteria applicable in order to resolve the clash between both possessory ownerships (right to use ex article 96 of the Civil Code and right in rem of the transferor).
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