Introducción: Las complicaciones obstétricas son causa importante de morbimortalidad materna, siendo el control prenatal (CPN) una estrategia para su adecuada prevención y tratamiento. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el CPN adecuado y las complicaciones obstétricas maternas periparto y postparto. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo, observacional, transversal y analítico, basado en información de la ENDES 2017-2019. Resultados: Se analizó una muestra de 41 803 madres, el 21,0% y el 28,7% tuvieron complicaciones periparto y postparto respectivamente, además, se encontró que el no tener un CPN de calidad (RP=1,20; IC95%=1,14-1,27), residir en Lima metropolitana (RP=1,38; IC95%=1,27-1,49) o en la Sierra (RP=1,25; IC95%=1,18-1,33), pertenecer al quintil de riqueza dos (RP=1,13; IC95%=1,04-1,22) o tres (RP=1,11; IC95%=1,03-1,20), haber sido controlada solo por personal calificado (RP=1,81; IC95%=1,33-2,48) y solo en el sector público (RP=1,48; IC95%=1,31-1,68) se asociaron con mayor posibilidad de complicaciones periparto. Además, el no tener un CPN de calidad (RP=1,28; IC95%=1,22-1,33), residir en Lima metropolitana (RP=1,12; IC95%=1,05-1,20) o en la Sierra (RP=1,06; IC95%=1,01-1,12), pertenecer al quintil de riqueza dos (RP=1,13; IC95%=1,05-1,20) o tres (RP=1,12; IC95%=1,05-1,19) y haber sido controlada solo en el sector público (RP=1,28; IC95%=1,17–1,41) se asociaron con mayor posibilidad de complicaciones postparto. Conclusiones: Dentro del CPN adecuado, se encontró asociación entre el CPN de calidad y las complicaciones obstétricas maternas periparto y postparto.
Introduction: Obstetric complications are an important cause of maternal morbidity and mortality, with prenatal control (PNC) being a strategy for their adequate prevention and treatment. Objective: To determine the association between adequate CPN and peripartum and postpartum maternal obstetric complications. Methodology: Quantitative, observational, retrospective, cross-sectional and analytical study, based on information from the ENDES 2017-2019. Results: A sample of 41,803 mothers was analyzed, 21,0% and 28,7% had peripartum and postpartum complications respectively, furthermore, it was found that not having a quality NPC (PR = 1.20; 95% CI = 1.14-1.27), residing in metropolitan Lima (PR = 1,38; 95% CI = 1,27-1,49) or in the mountains (PR = 1,25; 95% CI = 1,18-1,33), belong to wealth quintile two (PR = 1,13; 95% CI = 1,04-1,22) or three (PR = 1,11; 95% CI = 1,03-1,20), having been attended only by qualified personnel (PR = 1,81; 95% CI = 1,33-2,48) and only in the public sector (PR = 1,48; 95% CI = 1,31-1,68) were associated with a greater possibility of peripartum complications. Not having a quality NPC (PR = 1,28; 95% CI = 1,22-1,33), residing in metropolitan Lima (PR = 1,12; 95% CI = 1,05-1,20) or in the mountains (PR = 1,06; 95% CI = 1,01-1,12), belong to wealth quintile two (PR = 1,13; 95% CI = 1,05-1,20) or three (PR = 1,12; 95% CI = 1,05-1,19) and having received NPC only in the public sector (PR = 1,28; 95% CI = 1,17-1,41) were associated with a greater possibility of postpartum complications. Conclusions: Within the adequate NPC, an association was found between the quality NPC and the peripartum and postpartum maternal obstetric complications.
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