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Resumen de Tetanus epidemiology in Santa Catarina, Brazil from 1998 to 2008

Clineu Gaspar H. Júnior, Alexandre M. Fuentefria

  • español

    El presente trabajo describe lascaracterísticas demográficas y clínicas de losindividuos con tétanos accidental en SantaCatarina, Brasil.Materiales y métodos: se analizaron291 casos de tétanos accidental reportadosdesde el año 1998 hasta 2008, através de un estudio descriptivo tipocorte transversal. Con base en el porcentajey frecuencia numérica, así como enla tasa de incidencia registrada según losformularios de notificación obligatoria.

  • English

    Objetive: This work describes demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals with accidental tetanus in Santa Catarina, Brazil.Materials and Methods: 291 cases of accidental tetanus reported from 1998to 2008 were analyzed retrospectively through a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlated study based on percentage and numeric frequency as well as on number and incidence rate (i.r.) found in compulsory notification forms.Results: Most cases (73,54%) occurred among men residing in Vale do Itajaí (30,24%). The age group with the highest incidence was within the 35 to 49 range (32,30%). Complete immunization history was reported in seven cases (2,40%), the perforating injury being the most observed and the lower limbs the most affected ones. Among the reported cases, 87,62% were confirmed; 114 (39,17%) patients died.Conclusions: Accidental tetanus in Santa Catarina affects the population in asignificant way despite the fact that it is an immune preventable disease. The authorities and administrators must plan strategies to address changes in public policies related to immunization coverage of the susceptiblepopulation, mainly adults. Above all, it is important to warn society that the success of immunization programs depends on the application of three doses at set intervals, application of booster doses and compliance with the vaccination schedule.

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