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Resumen de Tipificación molecular de aislamientos del complejo Cryptococcus neoformans/ Cryptococcus gattii

Patricia Escandón, Andrés Montilla

  • español

    La tipificación molecular de los aislamientos del complejo C. neoformans/C. gattii constituye hoy en día una nueva herramienta para la vigilancia de este importante patógeno oportunistaaislamientos del complejo

  • English

    The molecular typing of the Cryptococcus neoformans/Cryptococcus gattii species complex is an useful tool for the molecular surveillance of this important opportunistic pathogen. The aim of this short communication is to inform physicians and laboratory personnel in Colombia about the importance of PCR fingerprinting in the comprehensive study of the genetic diversity of the C. neoformans/C. gattii species complex in the country. Furthermore, the results obtained from this molecular typing will enable us t complement the information gathered during the National Survey about cryptococcosis lead by the Microbiology Group of the Instituto Nacional de Salud.Isolates of the complex can be classified in 8 molecular patterns according to PCR fingerprinting using universal primers, which allows grouping the members of the complex according to species and, for C. neoformans,according to variety.The molecular surveillance of the C. neoformans/ C. gattii species complex isolates has become an epidemiological tool of great value since cryptococcosis has gained an important relevance in recent years due to the increasing number of immune-suppressed patients.

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