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Resumen de Coexpresión de CD4 y CD8 en linfocitos de sangre periférica en pacientes positivos para VIH

Alberto Gómez, Claudia González, Luz Mábel Ávila, María Consuelo Casas, Santiago Padilla

  • español

    Objetivo. La coexpresión en membrana delas moléculas CD4 y CD8 en leucocitos de sangreperiférica se halla generalmente restringidaa casos de leucemias agudas T prolinfocíticas ode leucemias T del adulto y no representa másde 3% a 5% de los linfocitos T periféricos. Eneste trabajo buscamos establecer la frecuenciade elevación de los linfocitos CD4+CD8+ de latotalidad de las muestras de pacientes remitidospara tipificación al Instituto de ReferenciaAndino en el año 2007.Diseño. Se hizo la tipificación de 1.883 subpoblacionesde linfocitos T de individuos diferentesy, luego, se procedió a la revisión retrospectivade los resultados que correspondían a la totalidadde los análisis del 2007 en nuestro instituto.Además, se tabularon 142 muestras recibidas enenero de 2008 con el fin de determinar valoresde referencia para la población estudiada.

  • English

    Objective: Membrane co-expression of CD4 and CD8 molecules in peripheral blood leukocytes is usually restricted to acute prolymphocytic T cell leukemia or adult T cell leukemias, and it does not represent more than 3-5% of peripheral T lymphocytes in non-leukemic patients. The aim of this work was to define the frequency of CD4+CD8+ lymphocytes among all the patient samples received at a reference laboratory in Colombia during 2007.Design: A total of 1,883 different samples were typed for T cell subpopulations in 2007, and the corresponding results were reviewed. Additionally, 142 samples received and typed in January 2008 were tabulated in order to establish reference values.Materials and methods: Whole blood samples were labeled with fluorescent monoclonal antibodies using the Cyto-Stat® triCHROME™ CD8-FITC/CD4-RD1/CD3-PC5 reagent and thereafter processed in an Epics XL-MCL cytometer.Results: The review of all of the patients analysed in 2007 revealed the existence of 2 individuals (0.11%) in which we found high levels of CD4+CD8+ membrane co-expression.Conclusions: The finding of this rare lymphocytic phenotype in peripheral blood of non-leukemic patients should alert the laboratories that in typing CD4+ lymphocytes alone and not evaluating CD3 and CD8 markers, they might be overestimating the real percentages of CD4+CD8- cells on some patients, as well as underestimating an uncommon lymphocyte subpopulation that has been characterized as functionally distinct in a variety of infections and experimental models.

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