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Resumen de Thinking as Translation: The Silent Dialogue with Myself as Another

Ileana Bortun

  • In this paper, I argue that the activity of translating can be found at the very core of philosophizing, in the experience of thinking itself. Firstly, I argue that a genuine translation entails thinking together with the translated author, by imagining a dialogue with him or her. Secondly, I argue that thinking itself is a process of translation. Starting form Plato’s and Aristotle’s depictions of thinking as dialogue, I argue that we can find a similar treatment of thinking in Heidegger’s analysis of the “voice of conscience”, and I show how the dialogue with my own conscience has a translative effect: it transports me from the inauthenticity of my everyday life towards my possible and better self. Thus, not only translation, but thinking too is a form of hospitality, the thinker being a host for his own possible self.

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