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Characterization of humic acids derived from rabbit manure treated by composting-vermicomposting process

  • P Campitelli [1] ; M Velasco [1] ; S Ceppi [1]
    1. [1] Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

      Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


  • Localización: Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, ISSN-e 0718-9516, ISSN 0718-9508, Vol. 12, Nº. 4, 2012, págs. 875-891
  • Idioma: inglés
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • The aim of this work was to evaluate, through different analytical techniques, the evolution of some chemical and physicochemical properties of humic acid (HA)-like fraction extracted from an organic amendment, like rabbit manure, handle with composting followed by vermicomposting process, in comparison with soil HA, in order to reach an appropriate criterion to evaluate the maturity of an organic amendment. The raw material used was rabbit manure treated with composting followed by vermicomposting process. Soil and organic amendments were analyzed by chemical properties. The HA was extracted from the amendments samples and from an Entic Haplustol and analyzed the chemical and physicochemical characteristics by several analytical methods. Through these analytical techniques was possible to follow the evolution of the HA-like fraction during this stabilization-maturation process Through the composting followed by vermicomposting process the HA-like fraction are evolving toward more stable and complex macromolecule resembling native soil HA.

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