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Resumen de Pruebas de resistencia a los antirretrovirales. Conceptos básicos

Santiago Estrada, Francisca Javier Díaz

  • español

    El uso generalizado de los medicamentos antirretrovirales y el gran número disponible de losmismos, ha abierto una esperanza de sobrevida para los pacientes infectados por el VIH, pero en la misma medida está aumentando el problema de resistencia a estos medicamentos Actualmente se cuenta con diferentes técnicas que permiten detectar esta resistencia a través de pruebas de susceptibilidad a los antivlrales: pruebas genotípicas y fenotíplcas. En esta cortarevisión se muestran sus fundamentos y las indicaciones de las mismas.

  • English

    The recent development and widespread use of many antiviral agents efíective against HIV has apenada new era of hope for HlV-infected patlents, but there has beers a corresponding ríse in f/ie growing problem of resistance to these medicines. Resistance may ultimately prevent the benefits of the seadvances. A brand-new type of laboratory resource, antivira! susceptibitity testing, offers a promising approach to deal with the pmblems of resistance. Antiviral susceptibility testing determines the sensitivity of the patient's HIV síraín to individual drugs. It is aocornplished through by eitherot two processes: the assessment the mínimum inhibitory concentration of the drug (phenotypic testing), or the determination of the presence of specific mutations in the viral genome known to confer resistance to the antiviral substance (genotypic testing). In this paper we review the mechanisms of resistance to antlviral agents, the principies and procedures used in testing for resistance, and up-to-date guidelines for their use.

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