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Resumen de An Efficient Mixnet-Based Voting Scheme Providing Receipt-Freeness

Riza Aditya, Lee Byoungcheon, Colin Boyd, Edward R Dawson

  • Receipt-freeness is an essential security property in electronic voting to prevent vote buying, selling or coercion. In this paper, we propose an efficient mixnet-based receipt-free voting scheme by modifying a voting scheme of Lee et al. The receipt-freeness property is obtained through the randomization service given by a trusted administrator, and assuming that two-way untappable channel is used between voters and the administrator. The efficiency is improved by employing a more efficient mixnet, which is a modification of Golle et al.’s optimistic mixnet. In the proposed scheme, the administrator provides both randomization (ballot re-encryption) and mixing service in the voting stage. Afterward, the ballots are mixed using the proposed efficient mixnet. Our mixnet-based voting scheme offers receipt-freeness in an efficient manner.

Fundación Dialnet

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