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Resumen de The Oligocene–Miocene Calcaires de Beauce (Beauce Limestones), Paris Basin, France

François Menillet, Nicholas Edwards

  • The Permian-Tertiary sedimentary fill of the intracratonic Paris Basin, northern France (Figure I), is 3180 m thick in the zone of maximum subsidence (Pomerol,1980). The Tertiary succession (Figure 2), unconformable on the Late Cretaceous Chalk, comprises many name dunits, but can be resolved into 21 transgression-regressionsequences separated by hiatuses recording lowered sea levels (Cely and Lorenz, 1991). During the Tertiary the depocenter migrated southward and by the late Oligocene-early Miocene lay between Etampes and Orleans (Cavelier and Pomerol, 1979). As the basin became increasingly isolated from the open sea to northwest, laguno-lacustrine to palustrine limestones accumulate don the southern and eastern margins (Pomeroland Feugueur, 1968; Gely and Lorenz, 1991). The most extensive, the Oligocene-Miocene Calcaires de Beauce Formation (Beauce Limestones Formation), on laps older limestones southward onto the Late Cretaceous (Campanian)Chalk. The formation is overlain by Miocene fluviatile sediments in the southern part of the basin.Pliocene-Quaternary tectonic uplift of northern France caused extensive erosion of the Tertiary succession(Pomerol,1980).

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