La textura, junto con la forma y el color (no siempre de fácil interpretación por el ojo humano) de los frutiolos son caracteres importantes en la delimitación de las especies de Cecropia del Pacífico Colombiano estudiadas en esta investigación. La textura de la superficie es el carácter más importante, ya que permite separar dos conjuntos de especies: textura lisa característica de Cecropia bullata, C. membranacea, C. longipes, C. obtusifolia y textura ampollosa o tuberculada de C. angustifolia, C. hispidissima, C. insignis, C. peltata, C. reticulata, C. virgusa. En este grupo se pueden segregar tres subgrupos:débilmente ampollosa (C. reticulata, C. virgusa), ampollosa (C. hispidissima, C. insignis, C. peltata) y tuberculada (C. angustifolia). La forma y el color son caracteres de menor peso que la textura. A partir de la forma se pudieron organizar los frutiolos en: ovoides (Cecropia insignis, C. reticulata); ovoideo lanceolados (C. angustifolia, C. bullata, C. virgusa); anchamente ovoides (C. longipes, C. obtusifolia); elipsoides (C. peltata), anchamente elipsoides (C. membranacea) y globosos (C. hispidissima). El color de los frutiolos es más bien constante de acuerdo con la similitud encontrada en los frutiolos de especímenes depositados en las colecciones del Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL) y en los que se encontraron en los contenidos estomacales de los murciélagos. Los tonos pardos (pardo claros, pardo rojizos, pardo oscuros) predominaron, y en un solo caso el negro con un tono rojo central (C. obtusifolia). Las especies de Cecropia y sus respectivos consumidores fueron: Cecropia angustifolia (consumida por Artibeus jamaicensis), Cecropia peltata (encontrada en los contenidos estomacales y heces de Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia castanea y Carollia perspicillata), Cecropia membranacea (consumida por Artibeus lituratus, Platyrrhinus helleri, Carollia castanea y Artibeus jamaicensis) y Cecropia obtusifolia (presente en los contenidos estomacales y heces de Artibeus watsoni Artibeus lituratus, Urodema bilobatum, Chiroderma trinitratum, Platyrrhinus helleri, Carollia castanea y Carollia perspicillata). Se registra por primera vez el consumo de Cecropia angustifolia por Artibeus jamaicensis.
The texture, along with the shape and form of fruitlets (not always easily interpreted by the naked eye), are important diagnostic characters in the species recognition of the studied Crecopia from the Colombian Pacific. The texture of the surface is the most important character because it allows us to recognize two distinct species groups: one group consists of species with smooth surface and includes Cecropia bullata, C. membranacea, C. longipes and C. obtusifolia; the other group includes the remaining species (C. angustifolia, C. hispidissima, C. insignis, C. peltata, C. reticulate and C. virgusa) with tuberculate or pustulate surface. The latter groups can be further divided into three subgroups: species with weakly pustulate surface (C. reticulata, C. virgusa), species with distinct pustulate surface (C. hispidissima, C. insignis and C. peltata) and species with tuberculate surface (C. angustifolia). The shape and color are less important than the texture. Based on the shape, fruitlets can be organized in ovoid (Cecropia insignis, C. reticulata), ovoid-lanceolate (C. angustifolia, C. bullata and C. virgusa), broadly ovoid (C. longipes, C. obtusifolia), ellipsoid (C. peltata), broadly ellipsoid (C. membranacea) and globular (C. hispidissima). The color of fruitlets is rather constant as indicated by the similar colors found in the voucher specimens of the Herbario Nacional Colombiano (COL) and those from stomach contents of bats. Reddish brown tones (light to dark reddish brown) are predominant; black with a central red was present in one species (C. obtusifolia). The Cecropia species and associated bats were: Cecropia angustifolia (consumed by Artibeus jamaicensis), Cecropia peltata (found in the stomach contents and feces of Artibeus jamaicensis, Carollia castanea and Carollia perspicillata), Cecropia membranacea (consumed by Artibeus lituratus, Platyrrhinus helleri, Carollia castanea and Artibeus jamaicensis) and Cecropia obtusifolia (found in the stomach contents and feces of Artibeus watsoni Artibeus lituratus, Urodema bilobatum, Chiroderma trinitratum, Platyrrhinus helleri, Carollia castanea and Carollia perspicillata). The use of Cecropia angustifolia by Artibeus jamaicensis is reported for the first time.
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