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Resumen de ¿Por qué la PDO está correlacionada con la precipitación nival en los Andes Áridos?

Arnobio Poblete, Alejandra Valeria Albarracin

  • español

    La Oscilación Decadal del Pacífico (PDO) se define como el primer componente principal de la EOF (Función Empírica Ortogonal) de las SST (Temperatura Superficial del Mar -Surface Sea Level Temperature-) en el Pacífico Norte. Diversos estudios muestran que la misma está significativamente asociada a las nevadas en los Andes Áridos. El presente trabajo propone describir el proceso que conlleva a dicha teleconexión, es decir, la asociación espacio-temporal de la PDO con los factores que inciden en las precipitaciones en los mismos.

  • English

    The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) is defined as the first principal component of the EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) of the SST (Surface Sea Level Temperature-) in the North Pacific. Several studies show that it is significantly associated with snowfall in the Arid Andes. The present work proposes to describe the process that leads to said teleconnection, that is, the spatio-temporal association of the PDO with the factors that affect rainfall in them. It was concluded that the PDO: Increases SST in the ENSO area, has an inverse relationship with MLSP and westerlies, weakening ASPSO and 500mb geopotential.

    It has a direct relationship with the specific humidity in an area located near the coast of Peru; that makes possible the existence of atmospheric rivers that transport precipitable water to the Arid Andes.

    With Omega it shows an inverse correlation in an area located to the northeast of the study area, so the convection would be confined to the ocean surrounding central Chile. What has been described about the influence of the PDO on the main factors that affect snowfall, explains that the direct association betweena positive PDO is favorable for significant snowfall to occur and vice versa.

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