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Resumen de Políticas públicas para afrontar sequías en el Perú.

Jorge Luis Albarrán Gil, Zadith Garrido Campaña, Walter Jorge Mendizabal Anticona, Jackeline Bustamante Fernández, Yonathan Mario Gonzales Ttito, Pedro Arturo Barboza Zelada, José Manuel Delgado, Carlos Fabián Falcón, Erick Delgado Bazán, Juan Pedro Soplapuco Montalvo, Kelly Altez Medina, Joel Bravo, Paul Roberto Virú Diaz, Jorge Guillermo Morales Ramos, Horus Michael Virú Flores

  • español

    El presente estudio se refirió a las Políticas Públicas para afrontar sequías en el Perú, aludiendo a la Estrategia Nacional de Lucha Contra la Desertificación y la Sequía en el Perú (ENLCDS) por ser un importante instrumento de gestión que promueve la participación y movilización de actores públicos y privados, para ejecutar acciones orientadas a promover el manejo sostenible de la tierra (MST), siendo este artículo de valía porque trae acotación el llamado a las instituciones peruanas responsables de esta problemática a que puedan priorizarlo por ser el Perú uno de los países con mayor extensión de tierras secas en América del Sur, en donde la sequía puede causar mayores consecuencias; describiéndose las sequías meteorológicas en la provincia de Candarave, Departamento de Tacna; Perú.

  • English

    This study referred to Public Policies to address droughts in Peru, alluding to the National Strategy to Combat Desertification and Drought in Peru (ENLCDS) as an important management instrument that promotes the participation and mobilization of public and private actors, to execute actions aimed at promoting sustainable land management (SLM), this article being of value because it brings dimension the call to the Peruvian institutions responsible for this problem to be able to prioritize it because Peru is one of the countries with the largest extension of drylands in South America, where drought can cause greater consequences; describing the meteorological droughts in the province of Candarave, Department of Tacna;

    Peru. The information used for the study was obtained from the meteorological data record, from monthly precipitation series of the automatic weather station C¸ andarave”, for the period 1964-2021. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) was used for a monthly scale of the period under study, which allowed to identify and describe the drought phenomenon, specifying its intensity, duration, magnitude and frequency of occurrence. According to the RLS values obtained, it was obtained that the level of intensity of extreme drought in the locality was very low (0.57 %) during the period evaluated, being few frequent with extremely strong magnitudes; occurring between the months of January, February, March and December.

    Based on this information, the SPI made it possible to detect drought events in the area under study;

    thus, managing to specify intensity, duration, magnitude and frequency of occurrence of these, providing relevant information for the management of water resources and thus be able to assess the vulnerability of the area to the effects of climate change; specifically, to cope with droughts.

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