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Resumen de La expansión de la Diagonal Árida Sudamericana como una consecuencia de las sequías.

Juan Minetti, Walter Vargas, Arnobio Poblete, Luis de la Zerda, Maurício C. Costa, Leònidas R. Minetti, Darío Pedro Ovejero

  • español

    En las últimas décadas las precipitaciones medias de zonas áridas- semiáridas se han visto reducidas a valores normales o inferiores a estos, en un retorno hacia a condiciones climáticas más secas. Promedios inter decadales de precipitaciones están cayendo referidas al largo periodo lluvioso anterior, del 1950-2000.

  • English

    In recent decades, average rainfall in arid-semi-arid zones has been reduced to normal values or lowers than these, in a return to drier climatic conditions. Inter-decadal averages of precipitation are falling relative to the previous long rainy period of 1950-2000. Severe impacts can be seen in agricultural ecosystems, water behaviour of surface and underground basins, agricultural productions and others not evaluated to date, where the anthropic transformations carried out are complemented by changes in the climate. An attempt is made in this work to show some physical and statistics aspects of the change in this extensive arid - semiarid region and its possible permanence in time

Fundación Dialnet

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