El trabajo versa acerca de la Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PosColoniais (REALIS), publicación que se realizaen Brasil y que pretende articular el pensamiento antiutilitarista nacido en Francia con la teoría de la colonialidad del poder surgida en América Latina.La Revista es un esfuerzo de producción científica con objetivos políticos,que rescata tanto la reflexión teórica propia del Sur como los enfoques críticos del Norte.
The work focuses on the “Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e PosColoniais” (REALIS) magazine, a publication that is made in Brazil and aims to articulate the anti-utilitarian thought born in France with the theory of the coloniality of power emerged in Latin America. The magazine is a scientific production effort for political purposes, which rescues both theoretical reflection itself of the South as North critical approaches. REALIS is, to the author, an example of how to overcome the "complicity of Social Sciences with the coloniality of power" and how serious scientific research, based, can have a very clear political purpose.
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