Comuna de Concepción, Chile
The chemical and sorptive characteristics of mineral coals extracted from a mine in Lebu (Biobío Región, Chile) and its derivatives were studied. These derivatives were obtained by applying a thermal treatment in an environment with N2 and CO2 at different experimental conditions, in order to increase their specific surface. In addition, coals were characterized by using proximal analysis, elementary analysis and petrographic analysis. In order to know their structureand surface, Boehm titration analysis, FTIR infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were performed. The surface of the selectedcarbons was modified by selectively oxidizing it with (NH^S^O and with H2O2 e impregnating with an iron solution for the study with H2O2 In the oxidation ofH2O2, the work was carried out at different pH. The results show a moderate homogeneity between different types of seams studied, whereas when coals are treatedwith heat or strong oxidants, increases its surface and can be used with analytical applications (v.g. electroanalytical sensors).
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