Oswaldo Enrique Montesino Torres, Guillermo Gutiérrez Ribon, María Monroy Pineda
Las aguas del Golfo de Morrosquillo están contaminadas respectivamente, el mar, por vertimientos de materia residual, hidrocarburos y solidos suspendidos, y las aguas del acuífero, por salinización, dureza y contaminación bacterial. Las concentraciones presentes, entre otras, de hidrocarburos HDD en sus aguas marinas son inferiores al valor de referencia (<10 ?g/L) para aguas no contaminadas. Se observa tendencia al decrecimiento, con excepción de los casos puntuales en caño Pechelin, caño Francés, Coveñas - Coquerita y arroyo Villeros, ocasionado por manejo de crudo y sus derivados, operaciones de transporte y actividades marítimas propias de la región. El Programa de Monitoreo de la Calidad de las Aguas Marinas y Costeras de Colombia - REDCAM, nació en el año 2001, como la estrategia nacional para cumplir con el objetivo de Evaluar los efectos de actividades humanas sobre los ecosistemas marinos y costeros. Desde entonces, la REDCAM ha servido de soporte al Sistema de Información Ambiental para Colombia - SIAC y es parte integral del Sistema de Información del Recurso Hídrico Marino - SIRH (MADS, Decreto 1323/2007). Este trabajo es un estudio de caso del avance del deterioro de las aguas marinas en el Golfo sucreño, y se hace con muestreo de aguas en 31 estaciones. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de evaluar la contaminación marina hay tres matrices que deben ser objeto de estudio: agua, sedimento y biota (Lucía Viñas. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAAMA, 2012).
The Gulf waters are polluted Morrosquillo respectively the sea by dumping of waste matter, hydrocarbons and suspended solids, and the waters of the aquifer, salinity, hardness and bacterial contamination. The concentrations present, among others, hydrocarbon HDD in their marine waters are lower than the reference value (<10 ug / L) for unpolluted waters. Decreasing trend is observed, with the exception of specific cases Pechelin spout, spout French, Coveñas - Coquerita and Villeros stream, caused by handling of crude oil and its derivatives, own transport operations and maritime activities in the region. Monitoring Program Quality and Coastal Marine Waters of Colombia - REDCAM, born in 2001, as the national strategy to meet the objective of evaluate the effects of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. Since then, has served REDCAM Support Environmental Information System for Colombia - SIAC and is an integral part of the Information System on Water Resources Marino - HRIS (MADS, Decree 1323/2007). This paper is a case study of the further deterioration in the marine waters in the Gulf sucreño, and is made with water sampling at 31 stations. However, when it comes to assess marine pollution are three matrices that must be studied: water, sediment and biota (Viñas Lucia, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAAMA, 2012). The Gulf waters are polluted Morrosquillo respectively the sea by dumping of waste matter, hydrocarbons and suspended solids, and the waters of the aquifer, salinity, hardness and bacterial contamination. The concentrations present, among others, hydrocarbon HDD in their marine waters are lower than the reference value (<10 ug / L) for unpolluted waters. Decreasing trend is observed, with the exception of specific cases Pechelin spout, spout French, Coveñas - Coquerita and Villeros stream, caused by handling of crude oil and its derivatives, own transport operations and maritime activities in the region. Monitoring Program Quality and Coastal Marine Waters of Colombia - REDCAM, born in 2001, as the national strategy to meet the objective of evaluate the effects of human activities on marine and coastal ecosystems. Since then, has served REDCAM Support Environmental Information System for Colombia - SIAC and is an integral part of the Information System on Water Resources Marino - HRIS (MADS, Decree 1323/2007). This paper is a case study of the further deterioration in the marine waters in the Gulf sucreño, and is made with water sampling at 31 stations. However, when it comes to assess marine pollution are three matrices that must be studied: water, sediment and biota (Viñas Lucia, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAAMA, 2012).
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