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Resumen de Contaminación atmosférica por dióxidos de nitrógeno en Región Metropolitana y su impacto sobre la salud

Patricia Matus Correa, Manuela Díaz Aranda, Felipe GonzálezRiquelme

  • Background: The Chilean Metropolitan region is exposed to nitrogen dioxide levels that are above the WHO Air Quality Guidelines. Aim: To report the exposure to nitrogen dioxide levels and to estimate the damage that these levels can cause in health. Material and Methods: Description of nitrogen dioxide levels in the Chilean Metropolitan Region between 2016 and 2018 and the attributable risk of these levels on the population health. Results: The average hourly levels of nitrogen dioxide exceeded 40 pg/m3. In the three years studied, 11,686 attributable health problems were estimated, including deaths, hospitalizations, and attendance to emergency rooms. Conclusions: We provide valid information to review and adjust primary air quality standards for nitrogen dioxide. The exposed population should be educated about the risk of this exposure to promote self-care.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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