It is the purpose of this work to try to review and explain some of the recent changes, recently, introduced into the Brazilian labor law frame work, and brought by the Federal Law number 13.467, dated July 13, 2017, which has been the foundation of The Labor Reform in Brazil, as well as the Executive Act number 881/2019 (so called the Economic Liberty Executive Act) which was converted into the Federal Law number 13.874, dated September 20, 2019. It has become necessary to read such law changes in the context of international legal frameworks, and check if all of them went through the check and balances of conventionality control and review. This way, it is one of the goals of this work to understand what a conventionality control is, and if the above mentioned recent changes in the Brazilian Labor Law have complied with international declarations and conventions, as well as addressing possible solutions
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo expor e analisar algumas recentes mudanças introduzidas no ordenamento juslaboral por meio da Lei n0 13.467, de 13 de julho de 2017, que deu origem à Reforma Trabalhista e da MP n0 881-B, de 2019 (Medida Provisória da Liberdade Econômica), convertida na Lei n0 13.874, de 20 de setembro de 2019. Torna-se necessária a leitura de tais alterações no contexto dos ordenamentos internacionais, avaliando se as mesmas passam pelo crivo do controle de convencionalidade. Dessa forma, buscar-se-á compreender no presente estudo o que é o controle de convencionalidade, se as recentes alterações promovidas no mundo do trabalho estão de acordo com as declarações e convenções internacionais e ventilar, ainda, possíveis soluções para a questão
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