Se seleccionaron 79 introducciones de zapallo (Cucurbita moschata Duch) teniendo en cuenta el contenido de extracto etéreo (EE) de las semillas. El EE fue estable física y químicamente, con propiedades organolépticas óptimas de aceite comestible, no presentó características de rancidez; aceite semisecante (122.90 mg/g de KOH.); índice de acidez 3.25 mg/g de KOH; la prueba presuntiva de yodo supone presencia de polinsaturación y sin formación de cristales. La composición de ácidos grasos mostró: palmítico C16:0 (25.11 – 36.94%); esteárico C18:0 (10.79 – 13.37%); linoleíco C18:2 (48.23 – 62.41%); linolénico C18:3 (0.66%) y araquídico C20:0 (0.53 – 0.78%). El aceite de semilla de zapallo contiene 55.28% de ácidos grasos insaturados con una cantidad apreciable de linoleíco (55.11%). La torta de semilla presentó proteína (51.11 ± 0.95%) y energía (4604. 66 ± 134.08 kcal/kg)
In accordance with of ethereal extract (EE) of seeds 79 varieties of squash was selected. The EE was physical and chemically stable, with good organoleptic properties of edible oil: no rancidity character was present; saponification index was 122.90 mg KOH/g characteristics of semi dried oil; acid index was 3.25 mg KOH/gm typical of edible oil. The iodine presumptive test revealed the presence of polyunsaturation and the absence of crystals. The composition of fatty acid revealed: Palmitic acid C16:0 (25.11 – 36.94%); Stearic acid C18:0 (10.79 – 13.37%); linoleic acid C18:2 (48.23 – 62.41%); linolenic acid C18:3 (0.66%); arachidic acid C20:0 (0.53 – 0.78%). The extracted oil from squash seeds contained 55.28% of unsaturated fatty acid with an appreciable amount of linoleic acid (55.11%). The squash oilseed cake presented a protein (51.11 ± 0.95%) and energy (4604. 66 ± 134.08 kcal/kg).
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