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Resumen de Impacto de un programa de formación en docencia en una escuela de medicina

Ximena Triviño, Marisol Sirhan N., Philippa Moore, Luz Montero

  • Background: The medical school of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile offers a Diploma on Medical Education (DME) for its faculty since 2000. However its impact had never been evaluated. Aim: To determine the perception of the graduates of the impact of DME, using the Kirkpatrick model for evaluation of educational outcomes. Material and Methods: A questionnaire containing closed and pre-post retrospective questions that represented Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation, was sent to all the graduates in 2009. Results: Eighty two of 91 graduates returned the questionnaire. Ninety one percent had a high level of satisfaction at Kirkpatrick Level 1 (Reaction), and perceived an average of 81.8% completed objectives. Most respondents reported modification of attitudes and perceptions about teaching, at Kirkpatrick Level 2 (Learning). All the differences between the pre and posttest retrospective questionnaire were statistically significant. More than 98% of responded stated that they improved their role as teacher using the skills learned during DME, according to Kirkpatrick Level 3 (Behavior). According to Kirkpatrick Level 4 (Outcomes), 66% stated that the DME contributed to appreciate the value of teaching at an institutional level. Conclusions: According to the perception of the respondents, the DME has had a positive impact at all the levels described in the Kirkpatrick model.

Fundación Dialnet

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