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Resumen de Viaggio nella "terra di mezzo", tra contratti leader e pirata

Marco Peruzzi

  • English

    Moving from a reconstruction of the position of Confsal, as an “autonomousµ trade union, in the current system of industrial relations, and from a comparison between the collective agreements signed by Cifa- Confsal and those of Cgil, Cisl, and Uil, the essay investigates on the use of the concepts of “leaderµ and “pirateµ agreements. This permits to address, on a more general level, issues connected to the measurement and comparison of unions’ representativeness as well as to the definition of sectors. In this perspective, the author wonders on the possibility to shift from a mere comparison between subjects to a comparison of contents; as well as from a comparison (of subjects and contents) based on quantitative data to a comparison that includes qualitative aspects.

  • English

    collective agreements trade unions’ representativeness industry sectors

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