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Resumen de La melatonina reduce la respuesta de cortisol al ACTH en humanos

Carmen Campino, Francisco Valenzuela, Eugenio Arteaga, Claudia Torres Farfan, Cristian Trucco B, Alfredo Velasco, Sergio Guzmán, María Serón-Ferré

  • Background: Melatonin receptors are widely distributed in human tissues but they have not been reported in human adrenal gland. Aim: To assess if the human adrenal gland expresses melatonin receptors and if melatonin affeets cortisol response to ACTH in dexamethasone suppressed volunteers. Material and methods: Adrenal glands were obtained from 4 patients undergoing unilateral nephrectomy-adrenalectomy for renal cáncer. Expression of mRNA MT1 and MT2 melatonin receptors was measured by Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). The effect of melatonin on the response to intravenous (i.v.) ACTH was tested (randomized cross-over, double-blind, placebo-controlled tríal) in eight young healthy males pretreated with dexamethasone (1 mg) at 23:00 h. On the next day at 08:00 h, an i.v. Une was inserted, at 08:30 h, and after a blood sample, subjeets ingested 6 mg melatonin or placebo. At 09:00 h, 1-24 ACTH (Cortrosyn, 1µg/1.73 m² body surface área) was injected, drawing samples at 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after. Melatonin, cortisol, cortisone, progesterone, aldosterone, DHEA-S, testosterone and prolactin were measured by immunoassay. Results: The four adrenal glands expressed only MT1 receptor mRNA. Melatonin ingestión reduced the cortisol response to ACTH from 14.6+1.45µg/dl at 60 min in the placebo group to 10.8+1.2µg/dl in the melatonin group (p <0.01 mixed model test). It did not affect other steroid hormone levels and abolished the morningphysiological decline of prolactin. Conclusions: The expression ofMTl melatonin receptor in the human adrenal, and the melatonin reduction of ACTH-stimulated cortisol production suggest a direct melatonin action on the adrenal gland .

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