Comuna de Concepción, Chile
Como parte de las actividades del proyecto INACH 05-97 realizadas en Bahía South, Antártica, en enero de 1999 se extrajeron por buceo autónomo 43 especies de briozoos, de los órdenes Cheilostomatida (34), Ctenostomatida (2) y Cyclostomatida (7). De éstas 21 fueron nuevas para la Bahía South y el endemismo del conjunto alcanzó al 72%. Las especies dominantes fueron Himantozoum antarcticum y Nematoflustra flagellata y sobre ellas se desarrolló la mayoría de las otras como epibiontes. Dos especies de los géneros Smittina y Crisidia resultaron ser nuevas para la ciencia y serán descritas separadamente. El análisis de la distribución de especies epibiontes e incrustantes sobre substratos diversos mostró la mayor afinidad entre algas rodófitas, Himantozoum antarcticum, ascidias y Nematoflustra flagellata
As part of the activities of INACH 05-97 research project carried out in Bahía South, Antarctica, in January 1999, fourty-three species of bryozoans of the orders Cheilostomida (34), Ctenostomida (2) and Cyclostomida (7) were collected by scuba diving. Twenty-one species were new for Bahía South, the total endemism for bryozoans in this area was 72%. The dominant species were Himantozoum antarcticum and Nematoflustra flagellata, which were used as a substrata by most of the other species. Two new species of the genera Smittina and Crisidia were collected and will be described elsewere. The analysis of epibiotic and encrusting species distribution on different substrata showed the higher affinity between red algae (Rhodophyta), ascidians and the bryozoans Himantozoum antarcticum, and Nematoflustra flagellata
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