Iryna Torbenko, Nataliia Levchyk
, Viktoriia Romaniuk
, Dmytro Boklakh
, Iryna Khrin
Apuntar. Determinar factores significativos y estrategias efectivas para desarrollar la competencia sociocultural de los futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras para la mejora de sus métodos de formación. Métodos. Se utilizó el método de un experimento pedagógico, una encuesta por cuestionario para determinar el nivel de competencia sociocultural, pruebas y el método de evaluaciones de expertos. Resultados. Los resultados del estudio indican el impacto positivo de los nuevos métodos pedagógicos en el desarrollo de la competencia sociocultural de los futuros profesores de lenguas extranjeras. El grupo experimental mostró un mayor nivel de motivación según los cuatro criterios de motivación: motivación personal (72% vs. 65% en el grupo de control), motivación profesional (68% vs. 58%), motivación sociocultural (75% vs. , 70%), y motivación académica (70% frente a 62%). Conclusiones. La investigación encontró que la construcción de competencia sociocultural es un proceso que puede verse influenciado por enfoques metodológicos apropiados. Los resultados mostraron el impacto positivo de los nuevos métodos pedagógicos en el aumento de la motivación de los estudiantes y la mejora de sus habilidades socioculturales. Perspectivas. La investigación futura puede centrarse en la creación e implementación de nuevos métodos de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras destinados a desarrollar la competencia sociocultural. Es importante identificar métodos y enfoques eficaces que contribuyan a mejorar los resultados.
Aim. Determining significant factors and effective strategies for building socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers for the improvement of their training methods. Methods. The method of a pedagogical experiment, a questionnaire survey to determine the level of socio-cultural competence, testing, and the method of expert evaluations were used. Results. The results of the study indicate the positive impact of new pedagogical methods on building socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers. The experimental group showed an increased level of motivation according to all four motivation criteria: personal motivation (72% vs. 65% in the control group), professional motivation (68% vs. 58%), socio-cultural motivation (75% vs. 70%), and academic motivation ( 70% against 62%). Conclusions. The research found that building socio-cultural competence is a process that can be influenced by appropriate methodological approaches. The results showed the positive impact of new pedagogical methods on enhancing students’ motivation and improving their socio-cultural skills. Prospects. Further research may focus on the creation and implementation of new methods of teaching foreign languages aimed at building socio-cultural competence. It is important to identify effective methods and approaches that contribute to improving results.
Determining significant factors and effective strategies for building socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers for the improvement of their training methods. Methods. The method of a pedagogical experiment, a questionnaire survey to determine the level of socio-cultural competence, testing, and the method of expert evaluations were used. Results. The results of the study indicate the positive impact of new pedagogical methods on building socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers. The experimental group showed an increased level of motivation according to all four motivation criteria: personal motivation (72% vs. 65% in the control group), professional motivation (68% vs. 58%), socio-cultural motivation (75% vs. 70%), and academic motivation (70% against 62%). Conclusions. The research found that building socio-cultural competence is a process that can be influenced by appropriate methodological approaches. The results showed the positive impact of new pedagogical methods on enhancing students’ motivation and improving their socio-cultural skills. Prospects. Further research may focus on the creation and implementation of new methods of teaching foreign languages aimed at building socio-cultural competence. It is important to identify effective methods and approaches that contribute to improving results.
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