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Resumen de Il conferimento di beni in natura o crediti senza relazione di stima nelle società o responsabilità limitata

Demetrio Maltese

  • English

    Italian corporate law mandates that contributions in kind to the corporate capital of limited liability companies and companies limited by shares must follow a detailed procedure that includes a valuer’s report, useful to ascertain the effective value of the goods or the receivables used as consideration for the share of corporate capital allotted to the shareholders. However, there are cases in which the contribution in kind that has to be made to a company limited by share does not follow this rigorous procedure, and that is so when the actual value of the contribution can be determined elsewhere. This paper posits that the same must go also for limited liability companies, even though statutory law makes no reference to such a case. A number of arguments will show how it is possible to resort to an analogic interpretation that makes the ‘simplified’ procedure applicable to LLCs as well, thus contributing to an interpretation of the law that can make Italian corporate law more flexible when it comes to the contributions in kind to limited liability companies.

  • italiano

    1. Fattispecie e ambito d’indagine. – 2. Le differenze tipologiche tra società per azioni e società a responsabilità limitata. – 2.1 (segue) … e la funzione del capitale sociale. – 3. La disciplina dei conferimenti di beni in natura in s.r.l. tra lacune normative e lacune assiologiche. – 4. La simmetria diseguale delle differenze tipologiche, in una con la comunanza di interessi tutelati, giustifica un’applicazione analogica. – 4.1. (segue) … soprattutto perché il procedimento che esclude la relazione di stima deve qualificarsi come “alternativo”. – 5. La verifica svolta dagli amministratori: funzioni e limiti. – 6. Conclusioni.

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