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Resumen de Language Requirements: Integration Measures or Legal Barriers? Insights from X v Udlændingenævnet

Cristina Milano

  • In X v Udlændingenævnet, the Court of Justice dealt with a Danish provision requiring a Turkish worker, legally resident in Denmark, to successfully pass a language test as a necessary condition to provide his spouse with a residence permit for the purpose of family reunification. The Court claimed that said legislation constitutes a "new restriction" within the meaning of art. 13 of Decision No 1/80 of the EEC-Turkey Association Council. This Insight addresses the main features of the preliminary judgment in X v Udlændingenævnet and offers an appraisal on the leading issues related to integration conditionality. Moving on from the Court's judgement, this Insight focuses on whether national measures imposing pre-departure language requirements may be conceived as tools for controlling immigration rather than effective integration instruments.

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