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Resumen de Resurrecting the Africa: Voices of Rebel

Ghani Abdul Hasan

  • The given poem serves multitude of purposes while delineating a sea change in the outlook of the people of Africa which took place during pre and postcolonial times. It manifests the barbarious, ruthless and aggressively hostile treatment meted out to the natives by the colonizers, with not an iota of mercy in their eyes apart from defaming and eroding the culture and mores of the colonised. Behaving as a mirror, the poem reflects how wrong, unjustified and undesirable they were who failed to understand the pagan nature and simple living of the African tribes. Eventually, the Africans did manage to get the ‘Uhuru’ or Freedom from the Whites by retaliating through Mau-Mau rebellion and thus they celebrate their independence through the crescendo of the very peculiar trumpet, drum and dance.

    DOI: 10.5958/2347-6869.2018.00006.7  

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