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Resumen de Blood disorders caused by hypophosphatemia in dairy cows

Laura Patricia Valdez Arjona, Monica Ramírez Mella, J. Efrén Ramírez Bribiesca, Alvar Cruz Tamayo, Maria Teresa Sánchez Torres, Libia Iris Trejo Téllez

  • O Objective: To describe the main blood disorders caused by hypophosphatemia (low P level in the blood) in dairy cows. Design/Methodology/Approach: Publications about blood disorders caused by hypophosphatemia in dairy cows were analyzed. Results: In addition to a decrease in milk production and several reproductive and metabolic disorders, hypophosphatemia can cause alterations in blood cells, mainly in erythrocytes, as a consequence of the decrease of the phosphorus (P) needed to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the alterations of the cell membrane phospholipids. Study Limitations/Implications: Few studies have described how P affects different blood cells or their components. Findings/Conclusions: Hypophosphatemia has been associated with structural and functional alterations in blood cells.

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