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Resumen de Dos nuevas especies de Phrynopus (Anura Leptodactylidae) de los bosques nublados de Bolivia

Rodrigo Aguayo Vedia, Michael B. Harvey

  • español

    Se describe dos nuevas especies de Phrynopus de la Ceja de monte Yungueña de Cochabamba, Bolivia, P. adenopleurus y P. iatamasi. Ambas especies son asignables al grupo peruanus y se diferencian de las otras cuatro especies que existen en el país por presentar el primer dedo más corto que el segundo, tener membrana basal y por sus colores y diseños dorsales y ventrales. La musculatura ha sido pocas veces descrita para especies de Phrynopus. Phrynopus adenopleurus, especie nueva, posee una inusual musculatura mandibular y del muslo, muy poco parecida a lo descrito para otras especies del género.

  • English

    We describe two new species of Phrynopus from cloud forests in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The new species are assigned to the P. peruanus group and are characterized by the presence of basal webbing, distinctive coloration, and by having the first finger shorter than the second. The first of these new species was collected near Montepunko in Parque Nacional Carrasco and is known from eight males and six females. Among its distinctive characteristics are round cream-colored glands on its flanks. A second species is known from one male and one female collected near "Zona de Aguirre" near the northwest border of the park. V and X-shaped blotches and a dorsum that is smooth except for dorsolateral and scapular folds characterize this species. Musculature has rarely been described for species of Phrynopus. The species from Montepunko has unusual gular and thigh musculature that is quite unlike other species of the genus.

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