RESUMEN Numerosos estudios coinciden en que el inicio de la vida universitaria se asocia a cambios poco saludables en prácticas alimentarias y estilos de vida que pueden consolidarse en la edad adulta. El objetivo fue valorar en qué medida estudiantes de tres carreras cumplen con las recomendaciones de las nuevas Guías Alimentarias para la Población Argentina de 2016. Se encuestaron 164 alumnos de Bioquímica (BQ), Licenciatura en Nutrición (LN) y Licenciatura en Biotecnología (LB) de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Los alumnos de LN se acercaron más a las recomendaciones que BQ y LB: mayor porcentaje realizaba cuatro comidas (45,0% vs 22,4% LB y 21,8% BQ, p= 0,009) y consumía diariamente leche/yogur (p= 0,042); los estudiantes de BQ presentaron el menor consumo de frutas (p= 0,000), mientras los de LB presentaron la menor ingesta de verduras (p= 0,023). El 79,3% del total realizaba actividad física y de ellos 59,8% alcanzó los 30 minutos diarios recomendados. La Universidad ofrece espacios de alimentación saludable (comedor universitario) y actividad física (predio de deportes) que no resultaban suficientemente aprovechados. Se concluye que resulta necesario planificar intervenciones para fomentar y/o mejorar patrones, consumo de alimentos y actividad física acordes a estilos más saludables en estos universitarios.
ABSTRACT Numerous studies agree that the beginning of university life is associated with unhealthy changes in eating practices and lifestyles that can be consolidated in adulthood. The aim of this study was to assess the extent to which the nutrition and physical activity of university students from three career programs comply with the recommendations of the new Dietary Guidelines for the Argentine Population (2016). One hundred and sixty-four (164) students of Biochemistry (BQ), Bachelor of Nutrition (LN) and Bachelor of Biotechnology (LB) of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral were surveyed. LN students approached the recommendations more than BQ and LB students: a higher percentage had four meals per day (45.0% LN vs. 22.4% LB and 21.8% BQ, p-value= 0.009) and consumed a daily portion of milk/yogurt (p-value= 0.042); the BQ students had the lowest fruit consumption (p-value= 0.000), while the LB students had the lowest vegetable intake (p-value= 0.023). All students presented patterns of intake and consumption of foods strongly influenced by the Argentine culture. Almost eighty percent (79.3%) of students did physical activity, but only 59.8% reached the recommended 30 minutes a day. The University offers healthy eating spaces (university canteen) and physical activity (sports grounds) that were not sufficiently exploited. It is concluded that it is necessary to plan interventions to promote and / or improve patterns of food consumption and physical activity, according to healthier lifestyles for university students.
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