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Resumen de Estructura estilística en el Quijote

R. M. Flores

  • The linguistic polyphony and polymorphism characteristic of the style in Don Quixote, as products of the manner in which Cervantes uses language, and the variety and number of components that generate and define them have been studied at length by Julio Cejador y Frauca, Helmut Hatzfeld, and Angel Rosenblat, and in numerous monographs dealing with specific aspects of Cervantes's discourse. Some sections of the work, however, have altogether escaped the detailed and systematic research given to the adventures of Knight and Squire. This study projects the findings of Cejador, Hatzfeld, and Rosenblat beyond the novel proper, into the Prologues of Parts I (1605) and II (1615), demonstrating that these sections of the narrative are not only essential components of the whole but also fit well within the overall stylistics and inner structure of the system.

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