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Resumen de Canard Cycles and Homoclinic Orbit of a Leslie–Gower Predator–Prey Model with Allee Effect and Holling Type II Functional Response

Tianyu Shi, Zhenshu Wen

  • We study dynamics of a fast–slow Leslie–Gower predator–prey system with Allee effect and Holling Type II functional response. More specifically, we show some sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence of two positive equilibria of the system and their location, and then we further fully determine their dynamics. Based on geometric singular perturbation theory and the slow–fast normal form, we determine the associated bifurcation curve and observe canard explosion. Besides, we also find a homoclinic orbit to a saddle with slow and fast segments, in which, the stable and unstable manifolds of the saddle are connected under explicit parameters conditions.

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