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Resumen de Les Français écrivent-ils des reportages?

Anna Saignes

  • How to translate into French the Polish term «reportaż», which is indispensable when talking about contemporary Polish literature? If the meaning of this word is obvious in Poland, it is not the same in the French-speaking European area. The strong presence, throughout the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st, in the Polish literary landscape of a writing practice called «reportaż» does not at first glance have an equivalent in the French-speaking European area where “reportage” is more clearly linked to the field of the press and not literature. This article explores three hypotheses that may shed light on these contrasting situations. According to the first, literary reportage has not been written in France since 1939. According to the second, French literary reportage was made invisible throughout the second half of the 20th century. The third invites us to reflect on how literary history is written today.

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