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Resumen de Desarrollo de la capacidad de la creatividad y factores sociodemográficos en estudiantes de educación secundaria en Lima-Perú

María Elena Dávila Díaz, María Nela Olarte Ortiz, Manuel Edwin Pérez Samanamud, Luciano Pérez Guevara, Joanes del Carmen Benott Santander, Karla Greta Huatuco Coronado, Edgar Mayan Dupis

  • español

    En el marco de los grandes cambios propuestos para la sociedad por los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), es imprescindible que las nuevas generaciones asuman retos que les permitan generar las transformaciones que el mundo demanda. En tal sentido, la capacidad de ser creativos para poder lograrlas es fundamental. Por ello, en este estudio, se buscó obtener una línea base sobre el nivel de creatividad en jóvenes del nivel secundario de diferentes grados y contextos. La investigación se realizó en la ciudad de Lima- Perú en el año 2020. momento en que el proceso educativo se efectuó de manera virtual, como consecuencia de la pandemia COVID 19. Participaron ochenta estudiantes quienes respondieron virtualmente al instrumento validado específicamente para este estudio y que permitió conocer las diferencias significativas entre los niveles de creatividad y las diferentes características de los factores sociodemográficos de los jóvenes estudiantes Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre niveles de creatividad y los factores sociodemográficos de género y estrato socioeconómico, no siendo así en los otros factores considerados.

  • English

    Within the framework of the great changes proposed for society by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is essential that the new generations take on challenges that allow them to generate the transformations that the world demands. In this sense, the ability to be creative in order to achieve them is essential. Therefore, in this study, we sought to obtain a baseline on the level of creativity in young people at the secondary level of different grades and contexts. The research was carried out in the city of Lima-Peru in the year 2020, at which time the educational process was carried out virtually, as a consequence of the COVID 19 pandemic. Eighty students participated, who responded virtually to the instrument validated specifically for this study and that allowed to know the significant differences between the levels of creativity and the different characteristics of the sociodemographic factors of the young students. Significant differences were found in the gender factor, applying the chi-square test, whose statistic is 〖(X〗^2=6.136 gl= 1 p=0.013<0.05, V=0.277) with low intensity of 0.277 or 27.7%. The results showed that in the female gender there is a predominance of a higher level of creativity. Likewise, significant differences were found in the socioeconomic status factor whose statistic is 〖(X〗^2=4.170 gl=1 p=0.041<0.05, V=0.228), with low intensity of 0.228 or 22.8%. A greater predominance of the high level of creativity was found in students from the middle socioeconomic stratum. No significant relationship was found with the factors: degree of study with 〖(X〗^2=2.262 df=2 p=0.323>0.05, V=0.168), family nucleus with 〖(X〗^2=7.393 df= 4 p=0.117>0.05, V=0.304), character of the educational institution depending on whether it is public or private with 〖(X〗^2=2.500 df=1 p=0.114>0.05, V=0.177) nor with age applying Spearman's Rho Rho=-0.145,p=0.198>0.05). It is concluded that there are significant differences between levels of creativity and sociodemographic factors of gender and socioeconomic status, not being so in the other factors considered.

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