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Resumen de Observations on the systematic position of the genus Gaigeria Railliet & Henry, 1910 (subfamily Necatorinae Lane, 1907: family Ancylostomidae Lane, 1907: Nematoda)

Sylvester Johnson

  • español

    Basándose en la forma y tamaño del lóbulo dorsal de la bolsa y en la forma de las espículas en Gaigeria pachyscelis y Bunostomum trigonocephalum, el autor opina que estos dos géneros no deben considerarse sinónimos.

  • English

    On the basis of the form and length of the dorsal lobe of the bursa and the shape of the spicules, as observed in Gaigeria pachyscelis and Bunostomum trigollocephalum, both genera are considered distinct and sepárate, and the former not a synonym of the latter.

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