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Resumen de A preliminary study of the operculate cup-fungi of Costa Rica

William c. Denison

  • español

    Se presenta un estudio preliminar de los ascomicetes operculados de Costa Rica, conocidos hasta la fecha abarcando las colecciones de Dodge y compañeros de 1929 a 1936 y las del autor y su grupo en 1962, con un comentario sobre métodos de recolección y estudio y una clave analítica para los géneros.

  • English

    The author's own collections could not have been made without the generous assistance of many people. Outstanding among these were Sr. Alfonso Jiménez, Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, and Dr. Robert Hunter, Tropical Science Center, San José, whose counsel and companionship were largely responsible for the success of the venture. The author's family and five students: Miss Mary Alt, Miss Laura Berkeley, Mr. Peter Campbell, Mr. George Carroll, and Miss Marke Woodward, accompanied the author on his collecting trip, sacrificed their own projects and comfort to collect for him, and lent an air of carnival to the long trip by automobile from Philadelphia to San José and back. To these, and to the hundreds of Central Americans who welcomed us woth affection and understanding, the author owes a debt of gratitude that exceeds the bounds of any formal acknowledgment.

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