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Resumen de Gimnasia para el adulto mayor

José Díaz López, Eugenio Rodolfo González Pérez

  • español

    El adulto mayor se refugia en muchas ocasiones en el mundo de su pasado, cuando estaba en la adolescencia, en la juventud, en la adultez, porque en esa etapa de sus vidas eran queridos, admirados y ocupaban un lugar preponderante en las decisiones que se tomaban en el seno familiar y además no eran desvalidos.

    Es necesario viajar al pasado, para determinar las funciones que se le atribuían a este grupo etareo, pues al cambiar la sociedad, muchas de ellas o cambiaron poco, o se eliminaron, en vez de cambiar también. La función educativa del adulto mayor es insustituible, máxime en este mundo globalizado donde el sistema de valores se deprecia en la medida que los valores materiales subieron de precio ante los espirituales.

  • English

    The elderly often take refuge in the world of their past, when they were in their adolescence, youth or adulthood, because at that stage of their lives they were loved, admired and occupied a preponderant place in the decisions that were taken within the family and they were not helpless.

    It is necessary to travel to the past, to determine the functions that were attributed to this age group, because when society changed, many of them either changed little, or were eliminated, instead of changing too. The educational function of the older adult is irreplaceable, especially in this globalized world where the value system is depreciated to the extent that material values rose in price before the spiritual ones

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