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Resumen de The competence of digital entrepreneurship in education: Analysis of the perception of university students

María del M. Sánchez Vera, Patricia López Vicent

  • Purpose: From an educational perspective, digital entrepreneurship comprises the convergence of thedimensions of entrepreneurship competence and digital competence. The EmDigital project hasgenerated a model of digital entrepreneurship based on the proposals of Entrecomp and Digcommodels that, from a transversal approach, addresses digital entrepreneurship from the perspective ofchallenges and the development of new opportunities that technology can offer. Design/methodology/approach: The project conducted a study using a non-experimental andexploratory design with the objective of analyzing the digital entrepreneurship competence of 135final-year students from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. A questionnaire validated by expertsand exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the four dimensions of digital entrepreneurshipcompetence: identification of opportunities, action planning, implementation and collaboration, andmanagement and security. Findings: The results show that the students feel they are more competent in the dimension ofmanagement and security, while they perceive that the dimension related to the identification ofopportunities in the framework of digital entrepreneurship is less developed. It is concluded that it isnecessary to establish a series of common and interdisciplinary indicators around digitalentrepreneurship that can be reinforced in all degrees, so students could develop good strategies relatedto digital entrepreneurship regardless of the degree they come from. Originality/value: The added value of this study lies in its comprehensive approach, the solidtheoretical foundation on which it is based, its exploratory approach, the integration of key dimensions,the identification of specific areas of improvement and the practical recommendations to address thesedeficiencies in higher education

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