Leioa, España
Introduction. Over the last years, there has been a rise in the number of women practicing physical exercise, even at the professional level. The menstrual cycle is one of the most important biological rhythms in women, along with the circadian rhythm. It is evident that there is a gap of knowledge on the anatomical and physiological differences between men and women. That is why we wanted to study the effects of menstrual cycle on exercise performance in ultra-marathon runners.
Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine the subjective impact of the menstrual cycle on sports performance on ultra-distance runners.
Methods. We have performed an observational-descriptive study. First, we performed a bibliographic review. Then, we created a survey. This survey was sent to the women who had participated in the 2022 edition of the three modalities of “Ehunmilak” race.
Results. According to available bibliography, changes in performance at different stages of the menstrual cycle are subjective, and there is a considerable individual variability. In general, there is no scientific evidence of quality indicating that the menstrual cycle affects the performance of athletes. The survey was completed by 46 women, and when asked whether the menstrual cycle has a subjective impact on their sports performance, 35 women (76.1%) responded positively. When asked what this influence was like objectively, based on training and race results, 23 women (50%) replied that their performance was lower when they were on menstruation phase. No differences have been found between hormonal contraceptive users and non-users in subjective and objective performance.
Conclusion. A large proportion of ultra-distance runners declare that their performance is affected by different phases of the menstrual cycle. However, the existing bibliography does not support this hypothesis. We must continue to investigate along these lines.
Sarrera. Azken urteotan, gora egin du kirola egiten duten emakumeen kopuruak, baita maila profesionalean ere. Hilekoaren zikloa emakumezkoen erritmo biologiko garrantzitsuenetariko bat da, erritmo zirkadianoarekin batera. Agerian geratu da gizonezkoen eta emakumezkoen arteko desberdintasun anatomiko eta fisiologikoen inguruan dagoen ezjakintasuna. Hori dela eta, hilekoaren zikloak kirol-errendimenduan daukan eragina aztertu nahi izan dugu ultra distantziako korrikalarietan.
Helburuak. Helburu nagusia hilekoaren zikloaren eragin subjektiboa aztertzea da, kirol-errendimenduari dagokionez, ultra distantziako korrikalarietan.
Material eta metodoak. Behaketazko ikerketa deskriptibo bat burutu dugu. Lehen zatian bibliografia-azterketa bat egin da. Jarraian, galdetegi-inkesta bat sortu da. Galdetegi hori “Ehunmilak” lasterketa multzoaren 2022ko edizioan parte hartu duten emakume korrikalariei helarazi zaie haien erantzunak jasotzeko.
Emaitzak. Eskuragarri dagoen bibliografiaren arabera, hilekoaren zikloaren fase desberdinetan errendimenduan gerta daitezkeen aldaketak subjektiboak dira, eta aldakortasun indibidual handia dago. Orokorrean, ez dago kalitatezko ebidentzia zientifikorik hilekoaren zikloak kirolarien errendimenduan eragina duela esaten duenik. Galdetegia 46 emakumek bete zuten, eta hilekoaren zikloak beren kirol-errendimenduan eragina duen galdetzean, 35 emakumezkok (% 76,1) baiezkoa erantzun zuten. Eragin hori objektiboki, entrenamendu eta lasterketetako emaitzetan oinarrituta, nolakoa zen galdetzean, 23 emakumek erantzun zuten (% 50) hilekoarekin daudenean beren errendimendua baxuagoa dela. Antisorgailu hormonalen erabiltzaileen eta ez-erabiltzaileen artean ez da desberdintasun nabarmenik aurkitu errendimendu subjektiboari eta objektiboari dagokienez.
Ondorioak. Ultra distantziako korrikalarien proportzio handi batek esaten du haien errendimenduari hilekoaren zikloaren zenbait fasek erasaten diotela. Hala ere, gaur egun arte dagoen bibliografiak ez du hipotesi hau babesten. Beharrezkoa da ildo honetatik ikertzen jarraitzea.
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