Miguel Fernando Gómez Vozmediano
Los archivos y colecciones de la nobleza hispana están íntimamente ligadas a sus gestas, supuestas o reales, durante la Reconquista, que capitalizan en favor de sus poderosas estirpes. Algunos nobles y caballeros protagonizaron la Guerra de Granada y todos gustaron de rodearse de botines u objetos suntuarios islámicos que atestiguaban su ascendiente estamental, riqueza y curiosidad por lo exótico. Una visita, tanto a sus antiguos y modernos archivos como a sus residencias o pertenencias, nos permite desvelar los testimonios en árabe o hispanoárabe dialectal que han sobrevivido, milagrosamente, entre los fértiles fondos nobiliarios; también espigaremos los escritos de o sobre los mudéjares y moriscos, tanto aragoneses como castellanos, que se conservan o se custodiaban en arcas o librerías; sin olvidar de aproximarnos al fenómeno del coleccionismo aristocrático de reliquias medievales islámicas, entendido como elemento consustancial para vertebrar la memoria del linaje, pero con una evidente vocación de proyectarse y perpetuarse sobre la memoria colectiva.
The archives and collections of the Spanish nobility are closely linked to their exploits, supposed or real, during the Reconquista, which served to promote their powerful lineages. Some nobles and knights took part in the Granada War and they all sought to surround themselves with booty or Islamic sumptuary objects that attested to their family ancestry, wealth and interest in the exotic. A look at both their old and modern archives and at their place of residence or belongings allows us to locate the testimonies in Arabic or Andalusi dialect that have miraculously survived among the rich collections of the nobility. We will also glean the writings by and about Mudejars and Moriscos, both Aragonese and Castilian, that were preserved or kept in chests or bookshelves. Furthermore, we will also examine the phenomenon of aristocratic collecting of medieval Islamic relics, understood as the backbone of the memory of the lineage, but as well with an evident aim to project and perpetuate itself in collective memory.
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