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Resumen de The Chromatic Values of Painted Façades as Characteristic Elements of Historic Genoese Architecture: The Case of Palazzo San Giorgio

Giulia Pellegri, Francesca Salvetti, Michela Scaglione

  • Painted façades in Genoa are a form of artistic and historical expression that can be admired throughout the historic centre: a sort of open-air museum in which art and architecture come together evocatively, creating an architectural language characteristic of the city.A significant example of a Genoese painted façade is Palazzo San Giorgio: the building was the subject of a careful survey using advanced instrumentation to recover the chromatic design, through which it was possible to reconstruct the original beauty of the façades.The Palazzo San Giorgio case study highlights the importance of preserving and enhancing the painted façades as historical testimonies and works of art. The recovery of the colour scheme allows the artistic mastery and scenic effect offered by the painted façades of the building on Genoa's harbourfront to be fully appreciated.

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