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Resumen de El camino del amor

Anthony Joseph Pinelli

  • español

    Al emprender la redacción del Manuscrito A, en obediencia a la Madre Inés de Jesús —su hermana Paulina— Teresa del Niño Jesús de la Santa Faz se empeñará en contar la historia del camino del amor en su vida. No tanto o principalmente el camino del amor por ella recorrido, sino el camino que el amor recorre en ella. Quizás no era su intención inicial, pero la gracia recibida la fiesta de la Trinidad del año 1895, es decir, la certeza de cuánto desea Jesús ser amado, reorienta su trabajo de escritora en un contexto litúrgico y también histórico, en el que prevalece la oferta de sí mismo a la justicia divina. En ese momento, Teresa decide ofrecerse al amor para «complacer a Jesús», como respuesta a la misericordia que él ha derramado al hacerse presente en cada momento de su vida. Su autobiografía, a la luz de la experiencia vivida y de la Ofrenda al Amor misericordioso que ha realizado transmite al lector tres dimensiones esenciales del camino que el amor ha recorrido en la vida de Teresa de Lisieux: la dimensión sacerdotal, la dimensión subversiva y la dimensión narrativa. Ella culminará su camino abrazando en la noche el Misterio Pascual que es don de salvación y vida.

  • English

    When undertaking the writing of Manuscript A, in obedience to Mother Agnes of Jesus —her sister Pauline— Thèrése of the Child Jesus of the Holy Face will endeavor to tell the story of the path of love in her life, though it is not so much —or principally— the path of love which she has travelled, but the path that love has travelled in her. Perhaps it was not her initial intention, but the grace received on the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity in 1895 —that is, the certainty of how much Jesus desires to be loved— reorients her work as a writer in a liturgical as well as a historical context, in which the offering of oneself to divine justice is prevalent. At that moment, Thérèse decides to offer herself to love so as to “please Jesus”, in response to the mercy that he has poured out by being present in every moment of her life. Her autobiography, in the light of her lived experience and the Offering to Merciful Love which she made, transmits to the reader three essential dimensions of the path that love has taken in the life of Thérèse of Lisieux: the priestly dimension, the subversive dimension and the narrative dimension. She will culminate her journey by embracing in the night the Paschal Mystery, which is the gift of salvation and life.

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