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Resumen de Transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade: um olhar sob a perspectiva da Educação Especial Inclusiva

Cristina Lucia Maia Coelho, Cristina Bruno de Lima

  • español

    AlthoughADHD is a disorder studied and endorsed in the DSM for decades, there are still some controversies about causes, consequences and treatments, fueling myths that have been contributing to the stigmatization of the disorder. This study aims to identify the teacher's knowledge about ADHD and to compile the respective academic production in the last 10 years. It has been confirmed that ADHD is not a disorder that originates from contemporaneity, is not related to specific socioeconomic cultures or classes, overcoming myths that circulate in the general population and also in the educational environment. The field research was carried out between teachers of Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Elementary School of the public network of the municipality of Cachoeiras de Macacu, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, in rural and urban areas. An online questionnaire, based on the Survey Monkey platform, was sent by text message after due clarification of the research and agreement with the proposed terms, according to the participants' desire and availability. The results confirm the hypothesis that the knowledge about ADHD among teachers is superficial, although 75% has a formation between graduation and specialization. It was revealed that 52% of teachers identified classic symptoms (attention deficit, hyperactivity, impulsivity), but symptoms related specifically to inattentive presentation and positive characteristics are poorly observed. 23% credit for lack of education, inappropriate behavior and school difficulties; 41.24% admit to having many doubts on the subject. Research is still ongoing, but partial results -both qualitatively and quantitatively -indicate that there is substantial lack of knowledge about the disorder and, consequently, that it causes injury to the student who is not identified as such, has no rights to an inclusive education and are not fully met.

  • português

    O Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção/Hiperatividade (TDAH) é estudado há décadas, mas ainda persistem controvérsias sobre causas, consequências e tratamentos, contribuindo para sua estigmatização. A literatura confirma que o TDAH não é um transtorno originário da contemporaneidade, não se relaciona à culturas ou classes socioeconômicas específicas, derrubando mitos que circulam na sociedade e no meio educacional. Nesse sentido, o estudo objetivou identificar o conhecimento do professor sobre o TDAH. A pesquisa - realizada entre professores da rede pública através de um questionário on-line da plataforma SurveyMonkey - confirma que o conhecimento sobre o TDAH é superficial, ainda que 75% tenham uma formação entre a graduação e a especialização. Revelou-se que 52% dos professores identificam os sintomas clássicos (déficit de atenção, hiperatividade, impulsividade), mas sintomas relacionados à apresentação desatenta e características positivas são pouco observados. Comportamentos inadequados e dificuldades escolares são creditados por 23% dos professores à falta de educação no lar. Considerou-se que o desconhecimento sobre o TDAH por parte dos professores gera prejuízo ao aluno quanto aos seus direitos a uma educação inclusiva.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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