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Resumen de Perfiles ocupacionales actuales y con visión prospectiva para los clúster del Atlántico

Diana Senior Roca, Gustavo Pacheco Castro

  • español

    El presente artículo es producto de una investigación, cuyo objetivo consistió en caracterizar la demanda actual y futura del talento humano en los cluster del Atlántico. Se aplicó el método exploratorio con la técnica de investigación mediante el instrumento de encuesta, a una muestra no probabilística por cuota a un total de 236 empresas. En este tipo de investigación que es cualitativo, se encontró como resultado que las empresas presentan grandes dificultades para hallar un capital humano idóneo, lo cual es un reto para las instituciones de formación a fin de fortalecer las competencias específicas y transversales antes que se gradúen los jóvenes, así como la creación de alianzas para establecer programas de capacitación dual que permitan formar a los estudiantes directamente en la empresa. De otra parte se concluyó que las empresas valoran mucho las competencias relacionadas con el trabajo en equipo, planificación del tiempo e identificación y resolución de problemas. Adicionalmente presentan dificultades en bilinguismo, manejo de las TICs, y en analizar y tomar decisiones asertivas bajo presión. Además, las empresas de los cluster estudiados no identifican el área de recursos humanos como estratégica que puede potenciar su crecimiento y competitividad.

      ABSTRACTThe present article is a result of a research which main objective consisted in characterizing the current and with forward-looking approach of the occupational profiles for the Atlantico clusters. The applied method was exploratory with the instrument of survey as the research technique with a non-probabilistic sample quota of 236 companies. In this type of qualitative research, it was found as a defining result that the companies have great difficulties to find suitable human capital, which is also a challenge for the educational institutions in order to strengthen the specific and soft skills before the youth graduate, as well as the creation of alliances to establish dual training programs that allow training and educating students directly in the company. Another conclusion was that companies value very much the skills related to teamwork, time planning and effective problem solving, additionally they encountered lack of skills in bilingualism, IT, and analyzing and taking assertive decisions under pressure. In addition, the companies of the studied clusters did not identify the human resource departments as a strategic area that could promote growth and competitiveness.

  • English

    The present article is a result of a research which main objective consisted in characterizing the current and with forward-looking approach of the occupational profiles for the Atlantico clusters. The applied method was exploratory with the instrument of survey as the research technique with a non-probabilistic sample quota of 236 companies. In this type of qualitative research, it was found as a defining result that the companies have great difficulties to find suitable human capital, which is also a challenge forthe educational institutions in order to strengthen the specific and soft skills before the youth graduate, as well as the creation of alliances to establish dual training programs that allow training and educating students directly in the company. Another conclusion was that companies value very much the skills related to teamwork, time planning and effective problem solving, additionally they encountered lack of skills in bilingualism, IT, and analyzing and taking assertive decisions under pressure. In addition, the companies of the studied clusters did not identify the human resource departments as a strategic area that could promote growth and competitiveness.

Fundación Dialnet

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