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Resumen de Gestión poblacional canina y felina en el marco One Welfare: una mirada retrospectiva Bogotá 2004 a 2021

José Alexander Estepa Becerra, María N. Cajiao Pachón, Stefany Monsalve Barrero

  • español

    Objetivo. Analizar la gestión poblacional de perros y gatos en Bogotá entre 2004 y 2021 en el marco “One Welfare”. Materiales y Métodos. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo que incluye análisis de intervenciones públicas y privadas relacionada con esterilizaciones, adopciones y sacrificio de animales de compañía, discriminando por localidad, especie, sexo y actor (público o privado), la información disponible se organizó empleando Excel®, con análisis descriptivo y resultados expresados en frecuencias, proporciones y tasas. Resultados. Entre 2004 y 2021 se esterilizaron 750.949 gatos y perros por el sector público y 217.276 privado, se adoptaron 22.126 a través del programa de adopción distrital y se sacrificaron 101.165 de los cuales el 8.8%% fueron gatos; hasta después del año 2005 los gatos se incluyeron en las estimaciones poblacionales y después de 2014 se captóinformación de veterinarios particulares (esterilización) quienes aportaron el 29% del total de intervenciones. Conclusiones. El crecimiento poblacional de animales demanda atención sanitaria, policiva y ambiental, debiendo mantenerse su gestión ética, aunque complementado con acciones sobre diversas fuentes donde se originan los animales; el enfoque One Welfare es derrotero, reconoce interconexiones entre bienestar animal, humano y ambiente y facilita la colaboración interdisciplinaria para mejorar su bienestar, además complementa y dialoga con One Health. Este estudio aporta al presentar de forma organizada y comparada estadísticas de gestión disponibles, siendo insumo para tomadores de decisión y comunidad interesada

  • English

    Objective. To analyze the population management of dogs and cats in Bogota between 2004 and 2021 within the “One Welfare” framework. Materials and Methods. This is a retrospective, descriptive study that includes an analysis of public and private interventions related to the sterilization, adoption, and slaughter of companion animals, discriminating by location, species, sex, and sector (public or private). The available information was organized using Excel®, with a descriptive analysis and results expressed in frequencies, proportions, and rates. Results. Between 2004 and 2021, 750.949 cats and dogs were sterilized in the public sector and 217.276 in the private sector; 22.126 were adopted through the district adoption program, 101.165 animals were slaughtered, of which 8.8% were cats; after the year 2005 cats were included in the population estimates and after 2014 information was collected from private veterinarians (sterilization) who contributed with the 29% of the total number of interventions. Conclusions. The population growth of animals demands health, policies, and environmental attention, and its ethical management must be kept, although it should be complemented with actions from various sources where these animals live. The One Welfare approach is a method that recognizes the interconnections between animal, human, and environmental welfare and facilitates interdisciplinary collaboration to improve their welfare, as well as complements and communicates with One Health. This paper contributes, therefore, by presenting in an organized and compared way the available management statistics, for the decision-makers and the interested community.

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