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Resumen de Nuevo comportamiento estratégico de las empresas españolas productoras de contenido audiovisual: el Green Shooting y la figura del eco manager

Susana Asenjo McCabe, Begoña Herrero Bernal

  • español

    El concepto de sostenibilidad para hacer frente al reto climático ha impregnado los planes estratégicos de las empresas del siglo XXI transformando sus sistemas productivos. El impacto de la actividad industrial de sectores pesados lleva siendo foco de atención desde hace décadas. Sin embargo, la percepción del menor impacto de la industria audiovisual (cine, televisión y publicidad) en el medioambiente frente a estas otras industrias pesadas, ha dilatado la evaluación de su huella de carbono. Sólo recientemente, muy especialmente desde la entrada de la Ley 7/2021, de 20 de mayo, de cambio climático y transición energética, la industria audiovisual en España ha examinado críticamente su comportamiento en relación al entorno (Lopera-Mármol y Jiménez-Morales, 2021). Considerando, por tanto, que las políticas de sostenibilidad implementadas por las empresas audiovisuales españolas llevan pocos años poniéndose en práctica, este estudio pretende evaluar el estado de la cuestión en la actualidad para determinar si las empresas del sector efectivamente están asumiendo compromisos y responsabilidad en materia medioambiental y están integrado el Green Shooting a su filosofía corporativa; y en segundo lugar, asociado a este aspecto, definir y contextualizar la figura del eco manager, un anglicismo que define a la persona encargada de lograr que la huella de carbono de la producción sea mínima, o que al menos esté compensada. Las conclusiones revelan que el Green Shooting está progresivamente calando en el sector audiovisual y que, si bien queda un largo camino por recorrer, la filosofía verde está ganando presencia, capacidad de influencia y aceptación en el sector.

  • English

    The concept of sustainability to address the climate challenge has permeated the strategic plans of 21st-century companies, transforming their production systems. The impact of industrial activity in heavy industry sectors has been a focus of attention for decades. However, the perception of the lower environmental impact of the audiovisual industry (film, television and advertising) compared to these other heavy industries has delayed the assessment of its carbon footprint. Only recently, especially since the entry into force of Law 7/2021, of May 20, on climate change and energy transition, has the audiovisual industry in Spain critically examined its behavior in relation to the environment (Lopera-Mármol and Jiménez-Morales, 2021). Considering, therefore, that the sustainability policies implemented by Spanish audiovisual companies have only been in practice for a few years, this study aims to assess the current state of affairs to determine whether companies in the sector are effectively assuming commitments and responsibility in environmental matters and are integrating Green Shooting into their corporate philosophy; and secondly, associated with this aspect, to define and contextualize the figure of the eco manager, an anglicism that defines the person in charge of ensuring that the carbon footprint of production is minimal, or at least compensated. The conclusions reveal that Green Shooting is progressively taking root in the audiovisual sector and that, although there is still a long way to go, the green philosophy is gaining presence, influence, and acceptance in the sector.

    Only recently, especially since the entry into force of Law 7/2021, of May 20, on climate change and energy transition, has the audiovisual industry in Spain critically examined its behavior in relation to the environment (Lopera-Mármol and Jiménez-Morales, 2021). Considering, therefore, that the sustainability policies implemented by Spanish audiovisual companies have only been put into practice for a few years, this study aims to analyze whether the changes prompted by the new regulations have been decisive adoption of a new strategic positioning and the introduction of specific action measures; and secondly, associated with this aspect, to define and contextualize the figure of the eco manager, an Anglicism that defines the person in charge of ensuring that the production's carbon footprint is minimal, or that it is at least compensated.

    The conclusions reveal that Green Shooting is progressively taking root in the audiovisual sector and that, although there is still a long way to go, the green philosophy is gaining presence, influence, and acceptance in the sector.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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