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Resumen de Representaciones de la edición en euskera en Fráncfort 2022

Miren Ibarluzea Santisteban

  • español

    Tras una descripción del campo editorial vasco, que engloba la edición en eus­kera, describiremos la participación y representación de los agentes vascos en la Feria del Libro de Fráncfort 2022, que se agrupan y presentan mediante asociaciones geográficas y lingüísticas diversas. Veremos que existen dobles implicaciones de algunos de los agentes y daremos cuenta de iniciativas creadas como contrapunto a la perspectiva pluricultural y lingüística ofrecida por parte de la programación oficial de la Feria del Libro de Fráncfort 2022.

    Euskarazko argitalpenak ere biltzen dituen euskal edizioaren eremuaren deskribapena egin ondoren, Frankfurteko 2022ko Liburu Azokan euskal eragileek izanda­ko parte-hartzea eta ordezkaritza deskribatuko dugu. Ikusiko dugunez, askotariko eragile­tan taldekatzen dira euskal argitaletxeak, irizpide geografiko eta linguistikoen arabera. Hala, zenbait eragileren inplikazio bikoitzak azaleratuko ditugu. Halaber, 2022ko Frank­furteko Liburu Azokaren programazio ofizialak eskainitako kultura- eta hizkuntza-ikus­pegi anitzaren kontrapuntu gisa sortutako ekimenen berri ere emango dugu.

    After a description of the Basque publishing field, which includes publishing in Basque Language, we will describe the participation and the representation of Basque agents at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022. We will describe, as well, how the agents are grouped and presented by different geographical and linguistic associations and that some of them are dually involved. We will also pay attention to the existence of initiatives created as a counterpoint to the pluricultural and plurilinguistic perspective offered by part of the official programme.

  • Deutsch

    After a description of the Basque publishing field, which includes publishing in Basque Language, we will describe the participation and the representation of Basque agents at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022. We will describe, as well, how the agents are grouped and presented by different geographical and linguistic associations and that some of them are dually involved. We will also pay attention to the existence of initiatives created as a counterpoint to the pluricultural and plurilinguistic perspective offered by part of the official programme.

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