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Resumen de Argentine Adaptation of the Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist - Short Version

María Laura Lupano Perugini, Melisa Patricia Fabara Torres

  • español

    Los autores realizaron dos estudios. El objetivo del primero fue validar el Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist - Short Version (CWB-C-10) para uso en investigación en Argentina. Contó con una muestra de 874 trabajadores/as (54.7% mujeres, 44.6% varones) activos/as de Argentina con una media de edad de 37.5 años (DE = 12.2). Los análisis efectuados permitieron confirmar la estructura unidimensional de la prueba. Asimismo, la consistencia interna mediante coeficiente alfa y omega resultó adecuada. El objetivo del segundo estudio fue identificar variables psicológicas y organizacionales (rasgos de personalidad de la Tríada Oscura, engagement, y satisfacción laboral) que permiten predecir el desarrollo de comportamiento laboral contraproducente. Contó con una muestra de 103 trabajadores/as (60.9% mujeres, 39.1% varones) activos/as de Argentina con una media de edad de 33 años (DE = 10.7). Como resultado, se observó que el rasgo maquiavelismo y el nivel de satisfacción laboral resultaron las variables de mayor poder predictor.

  • English

    Two studies were conducted within the framework of undesirable behavior in the workplace. The objective of the first study was to validate the Counterproductive Work Behavior Checklist – Short Version (CWB-C-10) for research purposes in Argentina. It was carried out with a sample of 874 workers (54.7% women, 44.6% men) from Argentina with a mean age of 37.5 years old (SD = 12.2). The analyses carried out confirmed the one-dimensional structure of the test. Likewise, the internal consistency through alpha and omega coefficients was adequate. The objective of the second study was to identify psychological and organizational variables (Dark Triad personality traits, engagement, and job satisfaction) that allow predicting the development of counterproductive work behavior. It was carried out with a sample of 103 active workers (60.9% women, 39.1% men) from Argentina with a mean age of 33 years old (SD = 10.7). As a result, it was observed that the Machiavellianism trait and the job satisfaction level were the variables with the greatest predictive power.

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