Daniel Chaustre Jota, Nickolas González, Camila Khatcherian
El estrés minoritario es experimentado por personas pertenecientes a minorías estigmatizadas y marginalizadas. Aunque existen instrumentos para personas con orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género minoritarias, hay pocos en español. Se propuso realizar un análisis psicométrico del instrumento de estrés minoritario LGBT de Outland en venezolanos. La muestra no probabilística constó de 223 personas LGBTI, quienes respondieron un formulario en línea. El análisis factorial confirmatorio permitió evidenciar un ajuste adecuado entre los datos y el modelo de siete dimensiones (χ2/gl = 2.17; GFI = .97; CFI = .98; RMSEA = .07). Se halló evidencia de confiabilidad (ω = .88) y validez del instrumento: para validez convergente se hallaron asociaciones significativas y positivas con depresión (r = .53) e ideación suicida (r = .50); y para validez divergente una asociación negativa con bienestar recordado (r = -.44). Esta versión en español presenta adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para ser empleada en muestras venezolanas.
Minority stress is experienced by people belonging to stigmatized and marginalized minorities. Although instruments have been developed for people with minority sexual orientations and gender identities, few are available in Spanish. It was proposed to conduct a psychometric analysis of the Outland LGBT Minority Stress Measure in Venezuelans. Through a non-probabilistic sampling, 223 LGBTI people were surveyed via an online form. Confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence of an adequate fit between the data and the seven-dimensional model (χ2/gl = 2.17; GFI = 097; CFI = .98; RMSEA = .07). Evidence of reliability (ω = .88) and validity of the instrument was found: for convergent validity, positive associations were found with depression (r = .53) and suicidal ideation (r = .50), and a negative association with remembered well-being (r = -.44), as evidence of divergent validity. This Spanish version presents adequate psychometric properties for being used in Venezuelan samples.
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